Thursday, 10 April 2014

Distractions - Day Nine

On Day eight, I wrote about competing priorities getting in the way of writing. Yesterday, I allowed myself to fall into the trap of distraction. Now, I'm easily distracted. I like to call it multi-tasking (a bit like plate spinning) but it's not, my 'man that does' calls it the butterfly technique. There are the usual culprits; emails, Facebook, weather reports, reading the BBC page to make sure I'm up to date in a cultural sort of way, putting out the wet washing, collecting in the dry washing (luckily I don't iron), watering the plants, brushing the dogs and playing with the cats. 

On Day Nine, I found myself distracted by a need to play Solitaire (on the PC) until I got it out three times, listening to Adele on the radio whilst writing which totally changed the outcome (I usually write in silence) and answering the telephone (I usually ignore it while writing, but then get distracted by the message being left on the answerphone).
Anyway, whatever the distractions, they didn't stop me from penning 3000 words - yes, I did the extra 15 minute challenge I failed to do on Day 7, so all up to date and feelin' good.
The prompts I wrote to were:

  1. Monologue: Your character has suddenly reached a road he/she doesn't recognise
  2. Keywords: sudden, cruel, pleases, fool, conviction                
  3. Random: throwing shadows
  4. Picture: what does this inspire?   (It didn't so I wrote about the senses)       
  5. Tuesday Title: The Woman

Until Later,

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