Thursday, 19 November 2015

NaNo Diaries: Day Nineteen

Naughty Nell Hiding...

Morning Pages Wake Up Call: 7am (set my clock an hour later than it was...)
Word Count: 2100 (Total - 35,636)
Treats: A new pencil arrived from Amazon, love it!
Other Activity: Making French Baguettes for supper
Word of the Day: EMPYREAL adjective 1. pertaining to the sky; celestial: empyreal blue. 2. pertaining to the highest heaven in the cosmology of the ancients

Thursday is the day I ring my Dad in the UK. He's eighty one and lives on his own, though I do have a brother who is minutes away and three other siblings who are scattered around. One of the downsides of living in another country is the constant worry about those you've left behind. So phone calls, Skype and Facetime is very important. 
As you can see, Naughty Nell is a constant source of amusement. Here she is hiding beneath the sofa throw.

As well as doing my NaNo target, I've been working towards my first publication of six. Yes, six that's right. I shall be publishing The Good{Expat}Life on 1st December...and have been working on the cover today. More will follow tomorrow.

Ciao for Now

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