Saturday, 7 November 2015

NaNo Diaries: Day Seven

Sunset At Saline This Evening

Morning Pages Wake Up Call: 6.24
Word Count: 1000 (Total 14097) 
Treats: I'm just sipping on a spritzy G&T 
Exercise: In the garden, all day
Word of the Day: MAUKA  Adverb. 1. Hawaii. toward the mountains; inland.

Just come in from a day in the garden. First job was to erect some pea netting. Always involves a of blue air. Don't know why it's so difficult, just is. Not helped by Naughty Nell and chooks digging up the peas I had sown! Grrr.
Then we had to prune the Goji berry bushes. Another hateful job. They are full of spikes and my arms look like a pin cushion. Wouldn't mind if I liked the fruit but I don't. The Italians love them and they are quite expensive to buy - no wonder, they are letal!  And then of course there was the obligatory bonfire.
Finally we weeded a fairly large herb patch into which I'd thrown some wild flower seeds into at the beginning of the year. Shan't do that again.

We've just some in and as you can see the sun has begun to set. I'm too tired for a second NaNo session today, but I'm ahead of the game, so I don't feel so bad. I really enjoyed my morning prompt though and being in the garden has freed my mind and I have lots of juicy ideas. Just need to remember them!

Ciao for Now

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