Friday, 20 November 2015

NaNo Diaries: Day Twenty

Morning Pages Wake Up Call: 6.30am
Word Count: 2400 (Total - 38,036)
Treats: Movie Time!
Other Activity: Movie Time!
Word of the Day: PANGLOSSIAN adjective
1. characterized by or given to extreme optimism, especially in the face of unrelieved hardship or adversity.

I'm reading The Artists Way over several months along with other writers in a Motivation group. It's the reason I started my Morning Pages again, but it also talks about having Artist's Dates. Doing something you wouldn't normally do or allow yourself to do. I must admit, I find it hard to find something. I like staying at home, dog walking and spending time with my husband. I must sound really boring but that's me, particularly in winter time. So later on this afternoon we're going to watch a movie! Shock! horror! Living in Italy it's not easy for us to go to the cinema. It wasn't something we did very often in the UK but it was always a treat. We'll wait until after the dogs are walked... and the popcorn is ready to pop. 

We're about to enter the final leg of NaNo and today is the day when NaNoers can register their projects if they've reached the target of 50k words. I shall reach the target early, but not this early and I shall continue until the final day, as I have thirty prompts to write. I don't feel pressured at all, I suppose that could be because I'm enjoying it so much. 

Ciao for Now,

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