Friday, 22 October 2010


NaNoWriMo Preparation
Okay, so a little more than a week until November 1st and I'm panicking. The thing is with NaNoWriMo is preparation, preparation, preparation. The cries of  'it can't possibly be done' only apply if you start on November 1st. The key is in the planning. And those of you who know me will be familiar with my planning. It's a kind of frenzied planning which usually fizzles and pops and then... panic. Sheer blind panic. Not this time though. This time I am going to plan properly and thoroughly so that I can get right into the writing come a week on Monday.
So I've asked my friends over at Writers Abroad what methods they use, I've spent the whole morning Google -ing 'outline templates' on the web and this afternoon been flicking through my reference books on writing. What I have come to realise is that the more planning you do... the more saturated you become with your story. It's helping me to thrash out where I want to go. I used to believe (in my very early days) that writers just sat down and... well wrote. I had a very 'romantic' view of novelists and admired them for their creativity and ability and believed that I would never, ever be able to call myself a 'real writer'. How daft was I? But I don't think I'm alone in my rosy view of writing and actually I don't think it would be the same. I like all the angst, the whole kit and caboodle. It just wouldn't be the same if I just sat down and it happened. Would it? 
Next week I'll let you know how I got on with my outline... 

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