Monday 30 May 2011


Monday Meditations
I've finished the second edit of The Promise! Yippee! Well, it would be but it's left more questions than answers and there are large gaps, scrawls and scribbles throughout the eighty thousand words and 270 pages length worth.
At first I felt relieved, but I've suddenly realised how much work I have got to do! When am I going to learn that writing is never about what you first put down on paper, but about making sense out of what you've got left once you've visited it several times with a red pen!
My most burning question right now is how to handle a large gap in time. The story is divided between events that happened in 1945 and twenty one years later... when a promise is finally delivered. I have made reference to the intervening years through dialogue with the two characters but it doesn't feel right at the moment.
It is so obvious to me now that this needs careful handling but how? There is a huge gap in time rather like a  huge black hole! Do I fill in all the blanks? Do I start from the beginning chronologically or start from the end and work backwards? Do I try and emulate Kate Mosse who handles this so well with chapters from each timeline interwoven. I need to sit and mulch this over a little more and hope that it all becomes clear and if not, that a kindly fellow writer and reader of this blog, might help point me in the direction of the exit to the black hole!?
Until Later...


  1. I wish I had some advice for you but somehow I think 'meanwhile, 21 years later...' just won't cut it!

    Does anything actually happen pertinent to the story in those 21 years or could the book just be divided into two separate sections?

    Best of luck, keep us updated with how it goes!

  2. Hi Sarah, no you are right, it won't! I think two sections are the way to go which is kind of how I'd originally planned it but panicked yesterday! There is some reference to the intervening years, but I don't want to fill the gap for the sake of it... I shall give it more mulling time this week while I tackle other problems... and yawning black holes!
