Sunday 1 May 2011

April Witch Prize

Continuing with the commitment to the Write1Sub1 Challenge, I'm the proud recipient of the April Witch Award. I've subbed four short stories, admittedly not all written this month but edited and polished and sent. Since my track record with meeting challenges is terrible, I'm quite proud that I've made it through a third of the year (and exceeded this target in one month).
A good way to start May methinks - I've signed up to '80,000 word in 80 days' challenge with Quillers, and have chosen to split my word count between finishing my medieval Saxon tale, Morning Gift and a new novella in a new genre, fantasy. In addition for this month, I'm going to concentrate on rewriting three stories per week of the Penny and George series and seriously commit to the re-editing of The Promise. 
So I'm looking for the proverbial kick up the a*s* if I start to slack...
Until Later...


  1. Congratulations, Louise. And good luck for 80 in 80.

  2. Congratulations on the stories and good luck with the 800000 words - can't wait to see the fantasy.
    Oh, and I'll kick you if you kick me!

  3. Thanks Deborah, and Nina, you're on!

  4. Congrats on being an April Witch! You're doing great! :)
