Friday 30 September 2011

Yellow Brick Road of Publishing

I'm still waiting for my proof copy of Reflections, but patience is a key skill for a writer with any proposed publication, so onto the next step down the road of  SP (that's self publishing not South Park!).

I don't need to tell you that the way people read has changed the face of publishing. The practice of writing and recording in 'hard' copy has been going on since the Ancient times. One of the greatest discoveries, papyrus, gave the writers of the time new and faster ways to record and deliver information other than toiling over a slab of stone with a chisel. Now, centuries later, it seems we are going back to the 'tablet' form of writing but with a bit more savvy technology. As you know, I'm not a fan of the new revolution, Kindles, IPads, Sony Readers and I'm sure there are more - all leave me a little cold.
But as writer turned publisher, I can't dismiss the new and very popular media that many readers have turned too. That would be just too stupid and arrogant of me despite my feelings about the change. Change is omniscient, it appears in every aspect of life, including mine and if I want to ensure that my writing is read by a wide audience I have to consider the EReaders of this new world.

So my next task is to publish Reflections via Smashwords, an online distributor of Ebooks and one which provides quite a lot of good advice for the unenlightend luddites, like me. And one who has only just moved from paper and pen to PC monitor and keyboard! So I've downloaded (and printed of course) the Smashwords Style Guide and am off down the yellow brick road to find a quiet corner to read.

Until Later...

1 comment:

  1. Best of luck with this. I don't know much about smashwords, but I've heard good things about it from people who use it.
