Friday 21 October 2011

Website Woes

I'm creating a new website so that I can market my new publication, Reflections, and hopefully share more about my writing projects. I've always gone for the freebie options, but my previous host was so slow it really didn't provide a professional front. So I've paid for some hosting and have decided to use WordPress to design it. The only trouble is creating something new is that you have to go through a whole new learning process again. No two web design programs are the same. They may have similar functions but in order to produce what you want, feels a little like wading through mud. I was hoping that I would be able to share my new creation with you in this post, but I've given up for today. My brain can't cope with all this activity and it's time to move on to something else. Tomorrow will dawn another web creation day.

So what else have I been up to? Well, I have my outline for NaNoWriMo posted on Writers Abroad - so that means I'm committed. I'm actually picking up on the project I prepared for the 2010 challenge, but I was unable to carry it through due to a family emergency. I discovered character synopsis, blurbs, plot ideas all in a wonderful red journal I had bought especially for my preparation. And so much research, where did I find the time? I used the Snowflake method to develop the outline which has really grounded my characters, though they may well choose to change direction half way through.

And finally, Foreign Flavours, Writers Abroad 2011 Anthology is finalised and ready for publication on Monday 24 October. Hoorah!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you manage to get the site designed how you want it. Will look forward to seeing it :-)
