Friday 1 July 2011


I used to love a Jack in the Box, though my granddaughter was scared stiff of them. I suppose they can look a bit weird and the surprise isn't always a welcome one. I'm sure there has been a horror movie or two made about them. What a shame that film makers have to take something so innocent and make it so frightening. As you can tell, I'm not a fan of the horror genre, a little bit of Gothic is fine... Anyway I digress.
I've subbed four short stories this month (hence my June award with Write1Sub1):

  • Writers Village Competition (which cost £10  for two but you do get a critique in return so I'm interested in how this will be managed)
  • Creative Writing Ink 
  • A Very Short Story
In terms of my 80 thousand words in 80 days challenge, I'm running a little behind. I came to a dwindling end with The Morning Gift at 56k - but there are loads of gaps which I know will appear in the editing, so I'm not so worried about that. It has now gone for a little bit of rest and marination before I bring it out to rewrite. Now on with my synopsis for the fantasy novella... so this weekend I'll be doing a bit of world building - how exciting!


  1. Good luck with your subs. I'm with you, I love world building. One day I might even use one of them ;-)

  2. "Rest and marination" is good for the soul. Congrats on meeting your June W1S1 goals. We're halfway there!

  3. Congratulations on your W1S1 award! :)

    That "80 thousand words in 80 days" challenge sounds intriguing. Sort of like National Novel Writing Month/Camp NaNo?

  4. Congratulations, Louise. You're doing great.

  5. Thanks all for your positive comments - half way there feels good... yes Madeline it's like Nano but a little slower, I'm running behind - here is the link...
