Friday 24 June 2011

It's All in the Title

It's quite critical isn't it, having a good title that lures the reader in. I'm not sure that I'll be reading this one although it did make me giggle. Having decided last week that I would publish a selection of short stories and flash fiction through Lulu, I've spent some part of the week mapping out the book. I've selected stories of all kinds of genre, from crime to historical to humour and  some more contemporary stories. My dilemma for this weekend is to think up a suitable title.

There are two things that attract me to a book, one is the cover and the other an engaging or intriguing title. I used to read the last page of a book before I made my mind up, my reasoning being that if the ending was good then I'd be more likely to want to read the book! This horrified my Man Friday and I've since been able to kick the habit. If I like the cover and title I will then go to the 'blurb' on the back cover but I never take any notice of reviews - it's such a personal thing. I found this out when I had a go at writing a couple of book reviews  and was honest in that Northern fashion that has so often got me into trouble. It was okay if I liked a book, but the comments that came spitting back at me if I didn't made me realise that opinions are fine but best kept to myself.

So, back to my title. I found a couple of fun sites which generated titles but none of them were relevant. I even found one that generated names for bands which was... different - The Aromatic Bumheads? Do you think you'd buy some music written by this band? As you can see, I've gone way of course and apart from 'Louise Charles' Anthology of Short Stories' which is hardly inspiring, I've come to a brick wall. Perhaps it's the heat, or lack of grey brain cells, but I'll mull things over with a glass of wine in hand, it usually helps.
Got any ideas?
Until Later....


  1. How about picking your favourite title amongst the stories and calling it 'this title...and other stories'.

    What can I say, I suck at titles!

  2. No, that's a great idea Sarah, that's on my list!

  3. Hrm. No ideas from me. But I do love those random name generating sites. They are too funny! Best of luck finding one. I do agree, wine helps ;) And congrats on your W1S1 goals this month! Pill Hill is a treat to work with. :)

  4. Thank you! Just left a comment on your site girl in the soap dish - came up as Jo Lamb which is my real name...
