Friday 18 March 2011


Well, it's that time again, doesn't seem like five minutes since the last Anthology! 
Writers Abroad, my online writing community,  is a group of talented and supportive writers. We are all ex pat in one sense or another and crave for the company of other like minded writers looking to develop our 'voice' in  a variety of ways. Because of where we live, the traditional writing groups are not available, so we set up a virtual one! We are eighteen months young and I for one have learnt so much in such a short time about a subject I adore. And I'm still learning and probably always will! We have members from all around the world, but we are small in number and that's for a good reason. We are a very active group, have regular weekly prompts, monthly challenges and much, much more... and of course we publish an annual anthology. Well. last year was the first time and we liked it so much, we're doing it again! We've just had an article about our experiences published in the April edition of Writers News, so we're getting our name about too!

Anyway onto the Anthology - details can be found on the site, but in a nutshell:
Theme - Food, drink and cooking around the World
Genre - Short Fiction (including flash) up to 1700 words and non-fiction up to 1000 words
Deadline - 9th September 2011 (plenty of time)
Submissions - Ex pat writers and those who have been at some time or another
Fee/Prize - no fee and no prize but proceeds from publication will be donated to The Book Bus
Oh, and forgot to mention, Rhodesian born writer and author of the No 1 Detective Agency, Alexander McCall Smith, will be writing our foreword!

Visit the site for more details and I'll keep you posted here as well...

Until Later.


  1. I like that theme. I'm sad I'm not an ex-pat.

  2. I'll have to check that out. And hey, congrats on reaching your W1S1 goals last month!
