Friday 11 March 2011

Writing Awards

As part of an incentive to increase my submissions of short stories and therefore increase my chances of publication, I signed up to a blog called Write1Sub1 which I blogged about a few weeks ago. 

Well, in February I met the challenge and having subbed four stories I received a February Fahrenheit Award! The award is named after a book written by the revered Mr Bradbury on whose approach this idea of writing and submitting stories is based on. As part of this all award winners were asked to visit a least two other writers who had made it, and congratulate them on their success. 
Imagine my surprise when yesterday I discover I've been presented with another award 'a lovely blogger' award from one of the writers I congratulated. So that's two awards in as many weeks, which although is not quite reaching the dizzy heights of publication, it is some sort of progress after all. All I have to do now is nominate fifteen blogs to receive the award and share the love. Someone said that these awards were just like a glorified chain mail letter - I always delete those - but it sure feels good! So thanks to Deborah Walker.

And, if that isn't enough to keep my inspiration flowing and motivation firing, a story of mine was long-listed in the Brighton Cow Flash Fiction competition. Apparently they'd had a huge number of submissions and increased the winners and prizes in response. 
Now the standard has been set, can I continue to meet it? I have so far submitted one short story to My Weekly, have two short stories almost ready for submission and a piece of  very short flash fiction simmering away... lets see what turns up next week.
Until Later 


  1. Congratulations on the Febuary Farenheit award, Louise. And on your lovely blog. I think they're great for making friends and connections.

  2. Congratulations on meeting your March goals, too! It's a wonderfully motivating thing, ain't it?
