Wednesday 8 September 2010

Launch of Writer in Progress

This is my new blog dedicated to my 'Works in Progress'. It is supposed to provide me with inspiration to complete the four (maybe five) novels I have in various stages of birth. Two of them have been written during NaNoWriMo month and I'm planning another this year... but I need to get them off my editing pile and into the in-tray of a willing (and perhaps unsuspecting) editor. Each week I will plot my progress with each one (details of which can be found on my website, Louise Charles - Writer in Progress, with the hope that I will shame myself into action. I know, drastic measures but needs must and I think it will help to talk it through. I will also post future book reviews here, when I have the time in between editing of course... so please do check in regularly and give me the nudge that I so much need. I also will share a weekly tip, maybe mine, maybe someone else's, who knows? So that there will always be something new (or maybe not so new) to read. If you check in, please feel free to comment and criticise as you see fit, any feedback is better than none (and I have a tale to tell there, but more on that later...)
So without further rambling, I'll go and get on with my plan... after the usual half hour of procrastination. And don't forget my other blog  Joe Bloggs, will plots generally the life of a jobbing writer, the ups and the downs and news from my other projects including the community on-line writing group for ex-pat writers - Writers Abroad. Never a dull moment...

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