Friday, 11 May 2012

Critiques and Revamps

I've been drowning in a sea of critiques and feedback. All constructive I might add but I must confess to a bit of a colly wabble at the beginning of the week. I've joined an historical critique group where I'm feeding chapters that have gone through the mill on Writers Abroad. Now because my lovely pals over at WA are so brill at critiquing the story line for The Duke's Shadow is shaping nicely and most of the technical/proofing errors have been spotted by eagle eyes. They also do comment on historical facts and seek meaning.

Because I was concerned about the historical accuracy of my writing, I thought a group with experts in that particular genre (and many of them published I might add) would be a useful place to be. And it is. But also quite scary. I became a little overwhelmed with the attention to detail and fact but it's exactly what is needed.

What I now need to do is sift through some of these observations, rewrite where necessary, check out facts and ensure that I maintain the story whilst being as historically placed as possible. So, my task today (and probably much of the weekend) is to tackle chapter 3 for submission to WA and make notes for further research before revising for the historical lot.

And talking of revamping, I've changed the design of my blog. Dynamic, blogger calls it. Not sure about that, but it looks 'clean'...

Until Later...

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