Friday 25 November 2011

Finishing Post In Sight

Yes, sorry I'm going to blog on about NaNoWriMo again but it's nearly all over. And it is rather all consuming. However I try to get my daily word count done in the morning so it leaves me free to do other things, which surprisingly I have found the time for. I think it's because I feel most inspired by the challenge of producing fifty thousand words (or more) in a month. I know there are some writers who say that NaNoWriMo is something must less than a novel, but 50k (doesn't it sound better in longhand?) is better than no words at all. So whilst I am fully aware that much of what I have written may never appear in the finished product (oh yes, this time there will be a finished product) then it gives me something to edit and improve on. So it's not time wasted, not for me nor all the other thousands and thousands of NaNo scribblers. So what will happen post 30th November? Well, it is the start of the silly season - someone said today that it was exactly a month until the 'X' word - so I think I'm going to spend December looking at all my other projects I've dabbled with during 2011 and decide on the next steps, write out my new writing plan for 2012 (and yes, it might look very like 2011) and outline a plan I have for the 100k in 100 days challenge which starts on 1st January! Until Later...

1 comment:

  1. I'm a firm believer that words written are never wasted :-)

    I think I'm going to do the 100k challenge too, I just need to decide what I'm going to write.
