For me, covers are very important. I will choose a book purely by what I see on the front, without reading the blurb. (I used to read the last line *Shock!Horror!* until my husband convinced me it wasn't a good thing to do).
For The Duke's Shadow, I did pay someone to produce the end result, because I felt overwhelmed with getting my debut novel out. I spend a long time looking for images and settings which I thought would a) say something about the overall theme of the novel, and b) entice the reader to look inside. And as you can see, it was well worth the money.

I'm planning to release 'The Good[Expat}Life on Wattpad as a serial, as I want to gather some feedback before I publish it in October. I still need a cover and this time I've created a simple cover myself in Publisher using a pencil caricature of Penny and George (the two main characters) played about with colours and fonts and this is the result.
It sounds easy, but actually it has taken me probably two maybe three days in total to get to this stage. But I've enjoyed using a different creative process and, for me anyway, it does what it says on the tin. The jury is out and I still believe that you have to have a good story, however slick the cover may be. What do you think?
Until Later,
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