Saturday, 24 March 2012

Researching the Past

Researching a novel in any genre is quite a big undertaking. But when writing in the historical genre, getting facts right is a golden rule. I know that I'm allowed some room to make things up and perhaps even place characters based on a real person appear somewhere they've never been. However, the essence of the historical era you are writing about must be based on some base of fact. I'm discovering that it's very important to develop a sense of place when writing an historical novel.

For example, The Duke's Shadow in reality spans two eras, the very late Regency and Victorian ages. Now, there are subtle differences that are important to both eras but which very much define them as being unique. Dress is one of them and moral attitudes is another. For the ease of my sanity and because the story actually begins on the cusp of a new time I have allowed myself some poetic licence and moved events so that they are set all in the Victorian era and so I can really concentrate on building a good 'sense' of place. I'm loving all the research, and if truth be known, I would have loved to have lived through this age, despite the restrictions put on women, I would have had fun trying to turn it upside down!  The one draw back is that it takes an awful lot of time and because I live abroad, access to a library is not available, which means I do everything online. And you know that not everything online can be verified, so a lot of caution is required.

So having had my first chapter critiqued over at Writers Abroad, I've got some very essential and constructive critiques to work with and I am trying to represent the world in which my characters live in. In my head, I know where they are but I have to somehow put this across on the written page.  Now off to readjust that timeline...

Until Later...


  1. I admire anyone who writes historical fiction. They're such fun to read, and the detail that goes into them, (the good ones anyway!), is immense!

  2. Thanks Sarah, I'm finding out how difficult it is, maintaining the dialogue, events, dress and the overall feel is quite a balancing act, very easy to slip into the familiar... but I'm determined to get it right.
